What's Your Truth? (yeah, change sucks)

In a previous post I wrote about getting unstuck & living our truth. Getting unstuck is really all about knowing our truth and then embracing change to live authentically. And let’s be serious, change sucks.
We naturally crave consistency and control. Clinging to what we know even when it’s not serving us. But we’ll continually feel stuck and repeat the same patterns by attracting the wrong things in our lives. Changing behavior often precipitates knowing the pain of staying is greater.
“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.” – Henry Cloud
Honoring our truth is not easy for those of us who have been through trauma and are naturally more sensitive and empathetic. We’ve lived a lot of our lives appeasing others until the pain got too hard not to change. But change isn’t a one-time thing – it’s a process.
Change means really, truly, curiously, knowing, and loving ourselves
Our unconscious memories direct our behavior and emotions so leaning into not what but WHY we do/act the way we do will lead to healing. Digging up any pains of the past and healing them may be necessary. It’s part of the journey.
Change means defining what we want and a path to get there
Learning what feels right or not for us, not anyone else. Learning how to grieve and getting comfortable with it so we can let go when necessary. Learning the lessons God had for us in that season.
Change means embracing what it means to be human
Embrace we’ll make mistakes, not always act or say what we want, but no matter what have trust in the process and in yourself. Forgiving yourself is about reframing to see the lessons learned and how it’s shaped you into the beautiful being you are to live your purpose.
Change means embracing what it means to be uniquely you
Be in awe of all of who you are. You are worthy, lovable, good enough. God sees you this way, it’s time you do to. That’s where the power lives and when we can love and attract others who also embrace being uniquely them & you too.
Sometimes we need help to get there, wherever you are in our journey, I’d love to help you walk boldly in radical acceptance of all that it means to be you. To tackle limiting beliefs that are holding you back. To trust your truth cause you’ve got the answers already within.
Sending my love <3